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Neo-Pagan Modern Thoughts On Society

Tag Archives: Sectionals

Image of tennis ball going over net.USTA league tennis has become a massive joke and a valid atrocity. The ruling entity for tennis in the United States has become a blotted, puss filled agency of greed and sloth. Nobody takes the USTA serious anymore. From the local district level up to the professional level. Its common knowledge that the agency has outlived its time, not grown with technology or society and is actually a detriment to the sport itself. The death and demise of tennis as a nationally popular sport has been fated by the USTA to a level lower than lawn darts! Its demise was forecast in the late 80’s as the USTA began its greed filled campaign across the nation. Now it has come to fruition.

  • Players of considerable higher rating playing in lower levels just to secure victories for teams and spots at Districts or Sectionals. (Sandbagging) Commonplace and everyday in USTA sanctioned events.
  • Team captains manipulating the system to enable unknown players to play on their team with self-ratings, enabling the captain to have secret match-bombs in their pockets for important matches.
  • Ratings are haphazard at best, and do not depend so much on the players record, but more on their original self-rating, plus WHO they know in the USTA itself.
  • Players who feel a match was unfair are forced to pay $25 just to file a grievance against the match. Complete and utter greed by the USTA and power abuse at its finest.
  • Finding specific rules and regulations on the USTA’s website has become a task in itself, purposely burying important rules beneath layers and layers of badly designed web pages.
  • Joining a single team has become expensive to everyone, only maintaining an astronomical profit margin for the mother ship.
  • The USTA’s total disregard and complacency for respect, honor and decency on the tennis court.
  • Sad dispersant of funds to grass level tennis, ensuring the growth of the sport as a whole in this county. Its almost non-existant in most circumstances.
  • Joining a tournament has become even more expensive and more highly lucrative to the USTA. A win/win situation for the USTA and guaranteed money maker all year round.

Agencies like the USTA sometimes go bad. Its like a cancer growing in the arm of a host. If it is not cared for, the cancer takes over the entire host and eventually kills it. The USTA has been several years in decline already. Its usefulness and validity are now gone. The rest of the world can see it, and its time for our own nation to see it too.

Its time to support your local league instead of the USTA. The USTA will never change and has only shown over the last 10 years that they really don’t care about players themselves, only profit for themselves.

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