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The Borovkoff Blog

Neo-Pagan Modern Thoughts On Society

Tag Archives: National Basketball Association

Image of KobeKobe Bryant has gone and done it. In a fit of anger he has called an offending referee the “F” word. No, not THAT “F” word. The other “F” word. You know, the homophobic one that also means a “pile of sticks”!

The shocking thing is that people are actually acting surprised that there is homophobia in Basketball! How ludicrous is that? Yes, Virginia, there IS homophobia in Basketball and other professional sports. Heck, there is even homophobia in the gayest of all sports, Ice Skating!

Kobe was slapped with a $100,000 fine for letting the “F’ slur out of his mouth. He is appealing it. Come one. Really? $100,000 to a pro basketball player is also called “Chump Change“. Its nothing to him. Thats the cost of a night out on the town with a lady of his choosing, or a lady on sale.

Basketball has got to be the silliest sport of all pro sports. And now its peppered with hate, homophobia, rapists, and dog murderers. Nice huh? Makes me want the Kings to stay in Sacramento. NOT!

Who cares what Kobe says? Who cares what any basketball player says? Their only claim to fame is that they grew fast and tall. That is the essential skill to the whole sport. But now, the requirements for basketball are tougher. You must also be a womanizing rapist, who likes to gamble, lie, cheat, has a past in gang fighting, likes to watch big tough pit bulls rip each other apart, and hates gay people. Are we surprised? If so, then life has some rude lessons ahead for us all.

For anyone offended by the use of the “F” word, just call them Straight right back. Big deal. I think its a funny word which has little meaning. Its a word used by people with more “ill” in their language skills than “literacy”. It compares to calling someone a “poopy pants”. ooooo, big words. Harsh. Hurts right to the bone. Not really.

Its even similar to saying someone is acting “gay”. Or saying “You are so gay.” Its like the Youtube expert Chris Crocker‘s lessons espouse on what to do when someone says, “That’s so gay.” You say, “That’s so straight” in its place. Try it. I use it and it works. Your victim will instantly start looking for a new outfit, hair cut, or home decorator if used in the right venue. Kind of fun to watch.

Sticks and stones….sticks and stones.

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