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The Borovkoff Blog

Neo-Pagan Modern Thoughts On Society

Tag Archives: Humor

Image of Adam looking through bars at life.Do bad things just seem to happen to you? Do they seek you out and follow you wherever you may go? Does it seem like the world is out to get you and every time there is potential for something good to happen, some unfortunate event sets you back again?

Many people go through life with these thoughts in their mind. They can’t seem to get away from feeling like things are “happening” to them. Those same people don’t even realize that things don’t “happen” to them but that they are actually making those things come to them directly. They are attracting the bad energy that they hate so much. They are part of the Victim Cycle.

Perhaps something happened to them when they were younger. Something bad that scarred them or caused them to begin the cycle of Victimization. But no matter what happened in the past, those same people are just carrying that same way of living with them moving into the future.

To stop the Victim Cycle, we must look first at what we dwell on each day. Do we think about our alcoholic parents that messed with us? Do we constantly run over and over the failings of our past love relationships? Do we dwell on the fact that our job is not the job we want to keep? Is our mind filled with past failures, sadness and injury?

If we are thinking about our past failures and hurts, we are not living in the present. And whats more, we are attracting more of the same. We are creating a cycle based on the laws of attraction that force bad things to happen to us. We are acting like a magnet of bad things and drawing all the ills of the world down on our head. Many times in close succession. We are doing it to ourselves.

So stop thinking about the bad things. Start thinking about what you are grateful for in life? Thank the people in your life now. Notice the beautiful things around you. Relish life and all the wonderful things it is offering you. You will attract even more of those good things if you think about them daily!

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Image of a woman with a blue mask on her face.Do you find yourself flirting with strangers just because you are bored and a new person crosses your path?

You know the feeling, you find yourself compelled to smile, wink, give witty repertoire and then act shocked when the stranger returns the favor with a little more gusto that you gave in the first place. Its flirting just for the fun of it, or flirting out of boredom.

Let’s look at some real life examples of flirting just for the fun of it:

Subject K is normally shy, professional and reserved at work, but get her in that giddy mood when she is tired and bored of everything and everyone around her and “Sister Sassy Slut the Flirtess” comes out big and bold! All women grab your husbands and rein them in fast! Subject K will even resort to flirting with the nerdy, out-of-place, out of touch, legal intern who only has experience in social settings which include the letters D & D.

Subject A on the other hand likes to flirt with the most vile men around. They have to be truly nasty, dirty, unkempt, dumb as a box of rocks (ok maybe just a box of twigs), just out of prison with a personality that only comes out when they drink a six-pack. Subject A finds this punishment for past sins perhaps?

Subject J only flirts when totally left to his own devices online. Stuck at home and feeling bored, a world of untouched and uncharted territory lies before him on the internet. Plus if things get out of hand, all he has to do is log off right?

 Then there is subject D. who resorts to flirting with anything that breathes in his near vicinity. desperate for a relationship but living his life at the bottom of a bottle of gin, it is Subject D’s only escape into the world of romance and passion.

Just remember, that very often flirting out of boredom may sometimes result in VERY UGLY SEX! hmmm, maybe this is the goal in the end?

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