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The Borovkoff Blog

Neo-Pagan Modern Thoughts On Society

Generally speaking, whenever a new product is released, its best to purchase every other version. Normally, each version of hardware technology is slightly different from the previous version. But not different enough to warrant running out and buying the newest version. IF you purchase every other new version, such as the iPhone, you are safe and will see significant improvements for the value of your dollar. BUT the iPad 2 was released yesterday, and it is already promises to be revolutionary!

Images of iPad 2Generally speaking, whenever a new product is released, its best to purchase every other version. Normally, each version of hardware technology is slightly different from the previous version. But not different enough to warrant running out  and buying the newest version. IF you purchase every other new version, such as the iPhone, you are safe and will see significant improvements for the value of your dollar. BUT the iPad 2 was released yesterday, and it is already promises to be revolutionary!

When Apple released the original iPad last year, they thought they were releasing a media device for users to eat up but had not idea they were also releasing a huge leap in business productivity, enterprise, disability accessibility, or creative tool like no other.

But the millions of iPads that were sold, are being used for everything, including but not excluded to media consumption as was originally projected. It is a magical device with the promise of the future buried somewhere deep within its sleek surface.

The iPad 2 promises to be even better. If the original iPad was a test version, then it appears the iPad 2 will be the REAL thing. Thinner, lighter, with two cameras (front and rear), and loaded with the promise of great Apple software. Basically making the iPad a true mobile Mac.

And pretty! This thing is lovely on the outside in either white or black themed skin. Hold on to your hats kids, the ride is going to really begin on March 11th!

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